About Us



SIMPLEX SYSCON is committed in generating growth by meeting customer demand. Such growth is only possible by collaborating different business units within the organization to deliver the globally challenging customer demand. Deliver right products, services and support at ever reducing cost. Our aim[goal] is to steadily and consistently enlarge our earning base created on our strong track record for more than two decades of Industrial experience. This was made to happen by concentrated actions from the management, by identifying right partner, key business process, investment in resources and the most important to implement the right strategy to market the products and services in the growing Industrial sectors like Textile, Plastic, Machine tool etc.Our reach in the market helps us in understanding the needs of our customer and also orienting the company to the continuous change and flexibility to meet the requirements of our large customer base. We are focused to adapt the continuous improvement program so as to execute our services to the customers in the best possible time/manner.


We will provide Value added engineering solutions for our Industrial automation products & will also diversify into manufacturing of electronic products used in industrial application. We will develop innovative and efficient business processes. We will implement excellent health, safety standards, welfare activities and will offer growth opportunities by developing people competencies. We aspire to become a preferred supplier of products and services. We will offer best customer value in all our business activities. We want to achieve 20% Compounded Annual Growth in the existing sales turnover while maintaining / improving profitability.


SIMPLEX SYSCON is dedicated to delivering high quality, innovative automation solutions that help our customers to be world competitive and to provide the highest level of customer satisfaction in the automation industry. We will achieve this mission by pursuing economically sound strategies that embrace continuous improvement, innovation, and diversification in concert with perpetuating an entrepreneurial spirit throughout the organization and developing a deep and mutual trust with our customers, employees, vendors, and partners.

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